'Where is this going?' you ask. Well sometimes in life you can make your setbacks work to your advantage. "Every cloud..." and all that. I'm ill with a bit of flu, and after spending a few minutes playing around with this website, I've worked out how to upload photos!
There are clear parallels between mine and Brian Eno's life, but only I seem to spot them. Yes, I may not have achieved anything impressive like invent ambient music, but I'm not completely boring. I can play the theme to Red Dwarf on guitar. And last year I went to a barbeque!
Now I'm gonna make like Rod Stewart and "get out the polaroids" - and show you some photos I've taken in the last 3 months:
This is where I live in Meltham...
I get less nightmares since I left my old house...

This is my friend Anthony.
This is my mum feeding the neighbour's tortoise.
A bird that got trapped in the bird-feeder (we cut it free when we found some wire clippers):

And last but not least, a cat in a window:

Well that was completely interesting wasn't it? Quite a lot of animal antics there. I have other photos, but they're either too wierd to show you or not very tasteful. (I omitted all the happy-slappings after consulting with my lawyers.) I should hopefully have a few memorable photos to post of my travels in the weeks and months to come!

Well that was completely interesting wasn't it? Quite a lot of animal antics there. I have other photos, but they're either too wierd to show you or not very tasteful. (I omitted all the happy-slappings after consulting with my lawyers.) I should hopefully have a few memorable photos to post of my travels in the weeks and months to come!
God bless Google and all of its infinite featurey-ness. What next? The ability to embed toast in blog entries? That would make breakfast a doddle, and help to feed the starving millions of Africa. Sir Bob of Geldoffs ought to take note.
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