Sunday, 29 November 2009

Raw food diet

Today I am listless and lethargic with all the energy of a dead dog. I have lines under my eyes and I shuffle round the house with a lumbering, unsteady gait, trying distractedly to find something to do.

It's not flu. It's not a hangover. The reason for this is that I have just begun something known as a 'raw food diet', which I will be on continuously for the next three weeks. I can eat only fruit, salad and nuts, plus certain specific meat and dairy produce. Caffeine and alcohol are both horrifyingly off-limits.

I have to eat specific foods, in a specific order, at specific times throughout the day. The life of monk-like asceticism and self-denial is mine. All I need now is a robe, a manky length of rope to flagellate myself with and a religion that makes absolutely no sense.

It’s extraordinary how much you can come to rely on food. Food is there to prop you up when you feel low; to console you when all is wrong with the world; to replenish you when you are tired and weary; to waste your time when you've nothing better to do but exquisitely stimulate your taste buds with some wondrous foodstuff. Eating defines so much about our lives. Remove this comfort and you are left staring at the bare bones of your own existence.

And what is it that has sent me on this solitary outwards path into the nether regions of the soul? Why could I possibly do something so stupid? Well, over the next few weeks I am participating in a ground-breaking personal development course here in Perth that requires a heightened level of mental clarity and focus for a sustained period of time. A level of brain performance that would not be possible eating normally. A heavenly parabola of thought that will breed fresh and astonishing insights into my life, or so I'm led to believe.

As the old adage goes, you are what you eat. We all know caffeine gives you a boost in the mornings then takes it back with interest later in the day (‘first it giveth, then it taketh away,’ as the Queens of the Stone Age sang, though they were talking about drugs). Well other foodstuffs have this effect on the brain, in subtle, far-reaching and incalculable ways. Processed foods serve to muddy the waters of the mind and distract its focus away from the path it wishes to follow.

As such the course requires I must shun them, and the only things that can pass my lips from now on are the Lord’s own vegetables, grown in his holy nourishing Soil; and the feta cheese, skinless chicken breasts and boiled eggs that are his children. We are all one, connected and hard-wired into the universe, humans, animals and vegetables all. By eating life you regurgitate life through your thoughts and deeds, or so the theory goes.

It's taken a hell of a lot of self-discipline to get this far, but a whole lot more is needed to see this through. Once the detritus of everyday living and everyday eating has cleared itself out, my mind will be clear to soar and swoop like the mighty hummingbird. Many folk never dare to tread that far, and I won’t be practicing the elimination diet for any longer than the prescribed three weeks. If you eat this way for too long there comes a point where malnourishment kicks in and you get sick.

My mouth salivates at the prospect of the finish. As a doughnut-loving sugar fiend, I plan to be back among my everyday thoughts, happily gorging on my everyday crappy, over-processed, mind-numbingly delicious foods once the period is over. And through doing the course I will hopefully take home some enlightenment in a doggy-bag, to remind me of the strange and hallowed spiritual turf on which I once trod.

I’ve already lost a prodigious amount of weight over the last few months, through tons of exercise and cutting out a lot of the crap I used to eat (compulsive cheese sandwich-eating being the main and surprising culprit). My previously rotund frame is now much more thinner; but this diet will take it a step further and give me protruding ribs that could double up as a mid-range xylophone. I plan to continue going to the gym in the midst of this - I figure the exercise won't swallow up too much of my meagre energy and will burn off more fat.

And yet there are two more gaping holes newly rendered in my life; with caffeine and alcohol off the list, I find my general enjoyment of things massively restricted. I’ve lost all appetite for going to the pub and socialising - it just isn't the same when all you can drink is tapwater. Soft drinks can no longer be purchased and consumed, depriving me of the associated cool that aligning my thirst aims with these quality brands would provide. How can I cut it with the cool kids now!

Wisely I chose to quit tea and coffee several weeks ago, so that's one battle less to face. But it's still not a pleasant task to write this as the delicious smells of toasting bread and fresh coffee waft up from my housemates' unencumbered breakfasting orgy in the kitchen. The bloody bastards.

I don’t even have a job now the Christian fee-paying school I was temping at (oh yes) no longer requires my services for proof-reading school reports. I've got nothing to occupy me until the course starts in earnest next weekend.

I can only sit at home, listening to the sounds of nature and the street; absolutely certain in the knowledge that somewhere, someone is having more fun than me.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Melbourne Cup day

Today it was the Melbourne Cup. The Melbourne Cup is a horse race held in Melbourne, hence the name Melbourne Cup. It features about 20-25 racehorses and all the requisite jockeys, in a traditional horse race on a big field. I don’t know what else to say about it. It’s a horse race, but a flipping big one. And all of Australia stops to watch it.

Obviously with Australia being something of a ‘young’ country its customs and traditions are still developing. You don’t get the zealous religious festivals of Asia, or some of the weird folk ceremonies that exist in parts of Europe, which have evolved from medieval or even pagan times. There are only three big ones to remember: Australia Day (where everybody gets pissed), ANZAC Day (like Remembrance Sunday, but everyone gets pissed) and Melbourne Cup day (horse-racing and, yep, everyone gets pissed).

That’s about as deep and meaningful as it gets, but there is the occasional unwritten rule to remember. One tradition of Cup day is that the women, all over the country, get glammed up and go to work wearing fancy hats. So you get a lot of eye-candy, which suits us men just fine. We’re not required to do anything. The ship of political correctness is but a glimmer on the horizon in this country.

All the offices grind to a halt around midday to screen the race, and they put on vast quantities of food for the workers. There is a flurry of last-minute bets and sweepstakes. All pressing business is quickly forgotten for that brief half-hour.

This year, like the last, I was in Perth, plodding along in a temp job; observing the Melbourne cultural circus from afar on a TV screen. I had an inspired bet last year and won about $80 when my horse came in third. This time round I didn’t have the luxury of sneaking out to the bookies, as my work is marooned in a big industrial estate out near the airport. So I just sat there demolishing the buffet and watching the race. It was a pretty decent contest and a horse named Shocking won.

My journey home after work turned out to be strange. With summer newly in bloom, the afternoon sun was stifling. The bus became very crowded as it threaded its way down the highway towards the city, full of people leaving work early. Clearly a lot of workplaces had downed tools for the day and thrown a full-scale party. A crowd of revellers clambered aboard and one of the young guys plonked himself down in the seat next to me.

He was about 18, stank of booze, and wanted a chat. He wanted to be my friend. Nothing wrong with that, but suddenly I realized his hands were caked in blood! Surprised, I asked him what happened, and apparently he had got into a drunken bust-up with his girlfriend at the work party, then she ‘attacked’ him with a bottle. “She’s a f**kin’ psycho mate, ay,” he confirmed. “That’s why I’m going home!”

I reckoned the girl's angle to this tale would be quite different. Who knows what chaos he had left behind. He seemed a bit remorseful and was heading off home to stay out of bother. The bleeding had stopped but his hands were covered in blood. I considered giving sage advice about seeing a doctor then thought better of it; the school of hard knocks would look after this guy. He’d probably wake up the next morning, blood all over his sheets, and wonder what the hell had happened.

I meanwhile was stone-cold sober, still in my work gear and had a book in my hand. He was determined to have a chat, and was asking me where I was from and where I was heading to now. He wasn’t an aggressive drunk, just aggressively friendly, in the manner of one whose drinking habits are yet to be impinged by frequent hangovers. I was stuck in the seat next to him and had no alternative but to take part in a conversation with the guy. Ignoring him wasn't going to work.

He sensed my agitation, and gave me a friendly poke on the leg, unwittingly smearing a postage stamp of blood on my work trousers. I was not happy and told him so. He attempted to touch my shirt in apology. I halted him again. He was like a bull in a china shop. He asked me where I went out at weekends, I told him Fremantle. I was not in control of this conversation.

“You go to Metro’s, ay?”

“Nah, not my scene.” I replied. Metropolis is a nightmare, a massive club where there is trouble every week.

“Yeah, full of dickheads, ay!”

“Yeah that’s right.” He reminded me remarkably of one of said dickheads. “I usually go to Little Creatures.”

“Yeah, it’s good, ay. Full of good people!” Clearly he saw himself in this sub-strata.

He got off a few stops after, looking for a McDonalds. And like that, this crazy drunk man stumbled out of my life.

“Don’t worry mate, I’ve not got the Aids!” he added, touching my fist with his in parting.

"Take care, mate," I answered.

What a weird afternoon! The Melbourne Cup might not have been that interesting but it’s not every day you get to have somebody bleed on you on the bus. I just hope the little bastard's blood comes out in the wash!