Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Hello from France!

Howdy, or should I say "bonsoir"? (No I won't, I don't know what it means.)

I have touched down in France... I got ripped off by an airport taxi driver in Toulouse but safely found my way to Chateau Brametourte and it's great, I'm really enjoying the farm work and the people are cool. It's a beautiful place, and thus far I have been enjoying good food, fine wines and great company. I'm dreading the day it is my turn to cook on the rota. I hope they like cheese sandwiches or crisps on a plate.

I'm knackered cos I've been hammering the f*ck out of plasterwork in a loft all afternoon, which is ace, but I'm getting up at 7am tomorrow to do yoga, which should be interesting. I will have to crawl to my bed now but will tell all (with photos) soon!

Adieu, adieu (to yieu and yieu and yieu)Bondy :)

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Reflecting on leaving

Hello there,

Well, it's the evening before I fly out to Toulouse. I am sat in my comfy little abode in Blackpool tip-tapping away on the computer, filled with trepidation. It's reached the stage where I'm sick of sitting round waiting to go and I can't find anything more meaningful to say than I am sh*tting myself!

Will write more when I get chance. Just wanted to get "off the mark" as it were. Right, I'm off to shave off my beard!